BOY it’s been a long time since I have had the chance to update my blog!
I have been quite busy planning weekly lesson plans for my Kindergarten Class.
This year I have 21 super sweet kiddos!!
Their brains grow daily as I get the privilege to admire
them grow into smart independent children! :)
I absolutely LOVE being a Kindergarten teacher.
I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else!
Only 3 more days till Spring Break!! YAY!
I know all the teachers, parents, and students out there are
EXCITED about this much needed time off!
I don't have any plans this Spring Break other
than a couple of weddings we are going to.
Ashley and Britney, you guys are going to be beautiful brides!
Can't wait to see you marry your BEST friends.
Our new loveable dog, Wrangler, just recently celebrated his 5 month birthday :)
He is a bloodhound and we love him more and more everyday!
He is getting so big! It's so fun to watch him grow into his huge body..
Here are some pictures of him when he was a puppy and some pictures of him now...
The dog with Wrangler in some of the pics is our other dog Hank.
He is bloodhound, Catahoula, and lab mix.. (So we think. lol)
They are the best of friends. <3
This is a picture of Wrangler the day we brought him home!
He was a swwweeeeeepppppy boy and fell asleep in his food bowl.
<3 Sitting... Like a good boy!
Sleeping with his big brother Hank..
This is a recent picture of Wrangler..
Look at those ears! <3<3
Wrangler "caught" a frog! :)
Dinner Time @ the Cepak's.
I <3 rainy muddy Days!
I just learned how to ride in the back of Dad's truck like a big boy! :)
I hope you all have a GREAT rest of the week.
Only 3 days left til SPRING BREAK!
We can do it!
Until the next time...
I'm really new to Blogger too and one of the first things I blogged about was puppies haha. Wrangler is such a cute name. Hope you keep on blogging!